About BeatBalance
Hi, I'm Neil.
I've been a musician for 25 years. I've been in a lot of bands over the year, most notably Seachange and Savoy Grand, as well as my electronic music as Forever Sound. While none of it has made me rich or indeed famous I've been very lucky that my music has allowed me to play lots of interesting places and alongside many people whose work has greatly enriched my life.
In 2019 I started learning the drums and to develop my skills quickly and efficiently, I wanted a tool to practice timekeeping without a metronome. I couldn’t find what I needed, so I built a prototype app and realised I could make it without external developer support.
Since these skills are universally acknowledged to be fundamental to drumming, I knew there would be others who could make use of the app.
I hope people find BeatBalance as useful for developing their own rhythmic confidence as I have found it.